About us

Funded by the Government of Alberta, Provincial Family Resource Networks (FRNs) provide a range of services and supports that focus on strengthening parenting and caregiving knowledge, social support, coping and problem-solving skills, access to community supports and resources, improving child and youth development, building resiliency and fostering well-being. 


The Lakeland Family Resource Network Hub is located at the Bonnyville Lakeland Family Resource Network serving the Lakeland community of Bonnyville, St. Paul, and Cold Lake.


The Hub provides services to families, children, and youth located in the Lakeland region. Hub services include providing information and referrals, advocating for families, navigating systems, and facilitating access to necessary supports and resources both locally and provincially.

The Family Resource Networks (FRNs) ‘Spokes’ focus on prevention and early intervention, offering various supports aimed at enhancing parenting knowledge, fostering social connections, promoting child and youth development, building resilience, and nurturing overall well-being.

Information about programs and referrals can be directed to the Hub through phone, email, or in-person contact. Families can also directly access programs and supports directly through our Network partners.


Bonnyville Lakeland Family Resource Network 

St. Paul Lakeland Family Resource Network

Cold Lake Family Connections 

Native Counselling Services